The Questions

We acknowledge that parents may have some questions with relation to what the Academy has to offer, including our classes, hours of operation, procedures, and other topics. To address your concerns and help you find answers to your most asked questions, we have prepared the following list of questions and answers. If your question is not answered below, then please feel free to reach out to us via the contact page on our website.

Snack & Lunch time
School Uniform
Health Issues
Parent - Child Communication
Other Questions
What are Al Haadi Academy’s hours of operation?

All students are expected to arrive at school between 8:30 am and 8:45 am, as our morning assembly starts at 8:45 am sharp. School ends at 3:10 pm daily.

There are a few instances throughout the year when school may end earlier, such as during the holy month of Ramadan or on certain occasions/celebrations. These occasions are all listed on our School Calendar, and parents will always be notified of changes to the school’s hours of operation via our school Whatsapp Group.

What do I do if my child is late to school?
If your child is late to school, please make sure that you drop your child at the front desk and inform the school administrator about the delay. Our administrator will then escort your child to their class.
If I am going to be late for pick-up, what should I do? Can I send someone else to pick up my child?

If for any reason you are going to be late in picking up your child, then we kindly ask that you to inform us in advance of this delay. If you will be sending someone else to pick-up your child on a specific day, then please speak to our administrator in the morning or leave a message at the office. Please provide us with the name of the person who is picking up your child and your relationship to the person.

Where can I drop off my child?

All doors to the building are locked during school hours. Students dropped off before 8:45 a.m. can enter through the main entrance. If your child is going to be arriving late, them you will need to contact the office by pressing the button on the wall by the main entrance to gain entry onto the school premise.

How do I report my child's absence from school?
If you child will be absent from school, please call the school on the day of your child’s absence before 8:30am and inform our administrator. If no one picks up the phone, then please leave a message on the answering machine.
Can I take my child on vacation when school is in session?
Although it is not advisable for students to go on vacation while school is in session, if your child will be away from school, then please inform the school administrator at least a week before your travels.
How do I know if school is cancelled due to inclement weather?
If school will be cancelled due to severe weather, the decision to do so will be made the night before a school day or early in the morning of the day of. Parents will be notified of school cancellations via our school WhatsApp group.
When are the holidays?
All information regarding holidays, celebrations, field trips, and other events can be found in our school calendar.
Snack & Lunch time
How long is the lunch period for students?
Kindergarteners have 1 hour dedicated for lunch time, whereas students in the remaining grades have a 40-minute lunch period.

More schedule details can be found on our Google Classroom page, including our daily schedule, snack and lunch times, and prayer times).

Is drinking water available on the school premise?
There is a water fountain that children can directly drink from and a water bottle fountain at which children can refill their reusable bottles.
What should I pack for my child’s lunch?
We encourage children to bring a healthy lunch to school. Please avoid sending snacks that contains any form of nuts as some of our students have nut allergies.

Please also avoid sending food that requires heating, as we do not have microwaves on the school premise.

Can I send in sweets/treats on my child’s birthday?
Yes, parents are welcome to send treats on their children’s birthday. Children are permitted to celebrate their birthdays at school with their classmates at snack or lunch time.
School Uniform
Where can I buy the Al Haadi Academy school uniform?

Our school uniform is available to buy from our supplier at the following link: www.alhaadishop.com

Can my child wear jewellery at school?
Kids are not allowed to wear jewellery at school, as schools are busy places and unnecessary accidents may occur.
Health Issues
What do I do if my child is prescribed medication?
If your child needs to have medication made available to them at school, you must inform our school administrator to arrange this.
What happens if my child has a medical/dental appointment?
We encourage parents to arrange medical appointments outside of the school day. If this is unavoidable, then please inform us ahead of time of the date, time, and nature of the appointment.
How long before my child can return to school after an illness?
Please keep your children home if they are exhibiting any symptoms of cold or flu until they are well enough to return to school.

If it turns out that your child has contracted COVID-19 then according to the latest health guidelines (October 2022), children should be kept home until their symptoms disappear. If they have contracted COVID-19 but they are exhibiting no symptoms, then you can send them to school with a mask.

What happens if my child has an accident at school?
Some of our staff are trained in first aid and can offer first aid to students who are injured at school. If the injury is significant then we would inform parents and contact emergency services as soon as possible.
What do I do if my child has headlice?
Please keep your child home if you suspect that they have headlice to ensure that they do not spread it. We do our hygiene check at the beginning of every month and if we notice that your child has headlice during school hours then we will contact you to pick them up. Before your child returns to school, you will need to treat their headlice.
Do you have a bus?
Unfortunately, we do not own a school bus, but we have carpooling options. Please get in contact with our administration for further details.
Can I park at the school?
The parking lot outside of the school can be always used by parents. However, at pick-up time, please do not park in the parking lot. Instead, we ask that you please join the line-up of cars in front of the school and the kids will be escorted to your car by school staff. Children are not allowed to head into the parking lot without being accompanied by their teacher, to ensure their safety.
Parent – Child Communication
Do you have an after-school services?
At this time, the Academy does not offer any after- school programs.
How can parents get involved?
At Al Haadi Academy we believe that the involvement of parents is key in improving students’ performance and closing achievement gaps. Therefore, we ask that our parents play an active role in their children’s education.
We ask that parent support students by reading at home and overlooking their homework process. We also ask parents to familiarise themselves with their children’s class schedule and Google classroom. Google classroom will have all the information that parents and students need about subjects, daily homework, assessments, announcements and other term curriculum info.
If you are interested in volunteering at the school, please speak with our administration for further information.
How do you communicate with parents?
We use our WhatsApp group to share School events and announcements with parents on a regular basis. Parents can also email their child’s teacher with any questions, message the teacher via the child’s Google Classroom or call the school and book an appointment to speak with the teacher.
How else do you keep parents up-to-date with the school?
At the Academy, we hold regular parent-teacher interviews each semester.

If you are interested in learning more about your children’s performance at school and what they learn daily, you can also call the school and arrange for a visit at anytime.

For general information, we send our announcements and events/photos via WhatsApp. We also use Instagram and Facebook to send snippets of current and upcoming events in addition to pictures that show how our kids spend their day at school.

We have also added a calendar to our website that reflects major events from term to term, field trips, celebrations/ commemorations as well as other important events.

What should I do if I am worried about my child's progress?
If you have any concerns about your child’s progress then please arrange an appointment to talk to your child’s teacher/s.
What if my child can't speak English?
At the Academy, all children are welcomed. Some children join our school with limited language proficiency, however, our teachers and staff work with them to support the learning, language development, and confidence.
Does the Academy prepare my child for high-school?
Once your child completes eighth grade at the Academy, they are more than ready for high school. Your child can apply to any high school of their choice, but we highly encourage you to inquire about the registration process as early as March. We also support parents with any questions or concerns they may have as their child transitions to high school.
How can I protect my child when using technology?
All the Academy’s students are educated on e-safety in school. Our kids are taught about cyberbullying and the importance of being safe while surfing online. Kids are also always supervised when they are using computers at school.

We encourage and advise parents to have parental control over all of their electronic devices at home, check what sites their children are visiting , and that they do not have access to social-media accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat.

Other Questions
Where do I go to locate lost Property?
We have a “lost and found” box in our reception area. Please call the school if your child has lost something inside the school or on the school property. Lost property is kept for a reasonable period after which it will be disposed of appropriately.
What clubs are there at school?
At the Academy we are working on creating various enriching activities and learning opportunities for our students. A soccer and a basketball team are in the making in addition to various life skills classes with professionals from many fields.
Do you accept children with special education needs?
Unfortunately, we cannot cater to children with special needs.
How many report cards will parents receive throughout the school year?
Report cards are written records of student performance on curriculum outcomes over a period of time. We send three report cards to parents over the course of our academic year: one in the first term in mid-December, a progress report in mid-March, and the last report card at the end of June.
What awards are presented to students at Al Haadi Academy on an annual basis?
  • Honour Roll (Average of 95% or higher).
  • Academic Excellence Medals (students who scored 90% in all core subjects throughout the year)
  • Academic Achievement Certificates: (students who scored 85% in all core subjects throughout the year)
  • Academic Awards (Mathematics, English, & Science)
  • The Arts Award
  • French and Arabic Certificates
  • Technology Certificate.
  • Improvement Certificates (students who are showing a continuous growth and progress)
What are Al Haadi Academy’s hours of operation?

All students are expected to arrive at school between 8:30 am and 8:45 am, as our morning assembly starts at 8:45 am sharp. School ends at 3:10 pm daily.

There are a few instances throughout the year when school may end earlier, such as during the holy month of Ramadan or on certain occasions/celebrations. These occasions are all listed on our School Calendar, and parents will always be notified of changes to the school’s hours of operation via our school Whatsapp Group.

What do I do if my child is late to school?
If your child is late to school, please make sure that you drop your child at the front desk and inform the school administrator about the delay. Our administrator will then escort your child to their class.
If I am going to be late for pick-up, what should I do? Can I send someone else to pick up my child?

If for any reason you are going to be late in picking up your child, then we kindly ask that you to inform us in advance of this delay. If you will be sending someone else to pick-up your child on a specific day, then please speak to our administrator in the morning or leave a message at the office. Please provide us with the name of the person who is picking up your child and your relationship to the person.

Where can I drop off my child?

All doors to the building are locked during school hours. Students dropped off before 8:45 a.m. can enter through the main entrance. If your child is going to be arriving late, them you will need to contact the office by pressing the button on the wall by the main entrance to gain entry onto the school premise.

How do I report my child's absence from school?
If you child will be absent from school, please call the school on the day of your child’s absence before 8:30am and inform our administrator. If no one picks up the phone, then please leave a message on the answering machine.
Can I take my child on vacation when school is in session?
Although it is not advisable for students to go on vacation while school is in session, if your child will be away from school, then please inform the school administrator at least a week before your travels.
How do I know if school is cancelled due to inclement weather?
If school will be cancelled due to severe weather, the decision to do so will be made the night before a school day or early in the morning of the day of. Parents will be notified of school cancellations via our school WhatsApp group.
When are the holidays?
All information regarding holidays, celebrations, field trips, and other events can be found in our school calendar.
Snack & Lunch time
How long is the lunch period for students?
Kindergarteners have 1 hour dedicated for lunch time, whereas students in the remaining grades have a 40-minute lunch period.

More schedule details can be found on our Google Classroom page, including our daily schedule, snack and lunch times, and prayer times).

Is drinking water available on the school premise?
There is a water fountain that children can directly drink from and a water bottle fountain at which children can refill their reusable bottles.
What should I pack for my child’s lunch?
We encourage children to bring a healthy lunch to school. Please avoid sending snacks that contains any form of nuts as some of our students have nut allergies.

Please also avoid sending food that requires heating, as we do not have microwaves on the school premise.

Can I send in sweets/treats on my child’s birthday?
Yes, parents are welcome to send treats on their children’s birthday. Children are permitted to celebrate their birthdays at school with their classmates at snack or lunch time.
School Uniform
Where can I buy the Al Haadi Academy school uniform?

Our school uniform is available to buy from our supplier at the following link: www.alhaadishop.com

Can my child wear jewellery at school?
Kids are not allowed to wear jewellery at school, as schools are busy places and unnecessary accidents may occur.
Health Issues
What do I do if my child is prescribed medication?
If your child needs to have medication made available to them at school, you must inform our school administrator to arrange this.
What happens if my child has a medical/dental appointment?
We encourage parents to arrange medical appointments outside of the school day. If this is unavoidable, then please inform us ahead of time of the date, time, and nature of the appointment.
How long before my child can return to school after an illness?
Please keep your children home if they are exhibiting any symptoms of cold or flu until they are well enough to return to school.

If it turns out that your child has contracted COVID-19 then according to the latest health guidelines (October 2022), children should be kept home until their symptoms disappear. If they have contracted COVID-19 but they are exhibiting no symptoms, then you can send them to school with a mask.

What happens if my child has an accident at school?
Some of our staff are trained in first aid and can offer first aid to students who are injured at school. If the injury is significant then we would inform parents and contact emergency services as soon as possible.
What do I do if my child has headlice?
Please keep your child home if you suspect that they have headlice to ensure that they do not spread it. We do our hygiene check at the beginning of every month and if we notice that your child has headlice during school hours then we will contact you to pick them up. Before your child returns to school, you will need to treat their headlice.
Do you have a bus?
Unfortunately, we do not own a school bus, but we have carpooling options. Please get in contact with our administration for further details.
Can I park at the school?
The parking lot outside of the school can be always used by parents. However, at pick-up time, please do not park in the parking lot. Instead, we ask that you please join the line-up of cars in front of the school and the kids will be escorted to your car by school staff. Children are not allowed to head into the parking lot without being accompanied by their teacher, to ensure their safety.
Parent – Child Communication
Do you have an after-school services?
At this time, the Academy does not offer any after- school programs.
How can parents get involved?
At Al Haadi Academy we believe that the involvement of parents is key in improving students’ performance and closing achievement gaps. Therefore, we ask that our parents play an active role in their children’s education.
We ask that parent support students by reading at home and overlooking their homework process. We also ask parents to familiarise themselves with their children’s class schedule and Google classroom. Google classroom will have all the information that parents and students need about subjects, daily homework, assessments, announcements and other term curriculum info.
If you are interested in volunteering at the school, please speak with our administration for further information.
How do you communicate with parents?
We use our WhatsApp group to share School events and announcements with parents on a regular basis. Parents can also email their child’s teacher with any questions, message the teacher via the child’s Google Classroom or call the school and book an appointment to speak with the teacher.
How else do you keep parents up-to-date with the school?
At the Academy, we hold regular parent-teacher interviews each semester.

If you are interested in learning more about your children’s performance at school and what they learn daily, you can also call the school and arrange for a visit at anytime.

For general information, we send our announcements and events/photos via WhatsApp. We also use Instagram and Facebook to send snippets of current and upcoming events in addition to pictures that show how our kids spend their day at school.

We have also added a calendar to our website that reflects major events from term to term, field trips, celebrations/ commemorations as well as other important events.

What should I do if I am worried about my child's progress?
If you have any concerns about your child’s progress then please arrange an appointment to talk to your child’s teacher/s.
What if my child can't speak English?
At the Academy, all children are welcomed. Some children join our school with limited language proficiency, however, our teachers and staff work with them to support the learning, language development, and confidence.
Does the Academy prepare my child for high-school?
Once your child completes eighth grade at the Academy, they are more than ready for high school. Your child can apply to any high school of their choice, but we highly encourage you to inquire about the registration process as early as March. We also support parents with any questions or concerns they may have as their child transitions to high school.
How can I protect my child when using technology?
All the Academy’s students are educated on e-safety in school. Our kids are taught about cyberbullying and the importance of being safe while surfing online. Kids are also always supervised when they are using computers at school.

We encourage and advise parents to have parental control over all of their electronic devices at home, check what sites their children are visiting , and that they do not have access to social-media accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat.

Other Questions
Where do I go to locate lost Property?
We have a “lost and found” box in our reception area. Please call the school if your child has lost something inside the school or on the school property. Lost property is kept for a reasonable period after which it will be disposed of appropriately.
What clubs are there at school?
At the Academy we are working on creating various enriching activities and learning opportunities for our students. A soccer and a basketball team are in the making in addition to various life skills classes with professionals from many fields.
Do you accept children with special education needs?
Unfortunately, we cannot cater to children with special needs.
How many report cards will parents receive throughout the school year?
Report cards are written records of student performance on curriculum outcomes over a period of time. We send three report cards to parents over the course of our academic year: one in the first term in mid-December, a progress report in mid-March, and the last report card at the end of June.
What awards are presented to students at Al Haadi Academy on an annual basis?
  • Honour Roll (Average of 95% or higher).
  • Academic Excellence Medals (students who scored 90% in all core subjects throughout the year)
  • Academic Achievement Certificates: (students who scored 85% in all core subjects throughout the year)
  • Academic Awards (Mathematics, English, & Science)
  • The Arts Award
  • French and Arabic Certificates
  • Technology Certificate.
  • Improvement Certificates (students who are showing a continuous growth and progress)

Register Your Child Today!

We are always excited to welcome new students and their families to our growing school community. We encourage you to contact us via phone or email to learn more about the school. You can also visit us for in-person tour of the facility where you can see first-hand what the Academy can offer you and your child.